Free up your creativity with instruction in composition. Online lessons, real-time 1:1 tuition ...

Do you want to write your own song for a solo musical instrument or an ensemble of instruments?

Do you know how to write those creative ideas down?

Would you like to arrange your own music for any combination of instruments?
Appoint with Mark Houghton for private composition tuition

Mark is a Winner of two composition competitions (Chris Kilvington Memorial Prize, 2000: CGML Composition Prize, 2007).

Mark has written two feature articles about composing, published in 'CLASSICAL GUITAR' Magazine.

Mark has 120 published compositions and has contracts with 5 publishers.

Mark has been commissioned to write many works for Uk-based guitar orchestra's and guitar ensembles. some of these projects have been very short notice (24 hours in one case to write a guitar orchestra piece). If you would like a composition tailor-made for a particular event please enquire through the communication channels on this website.


"Houghton writes inventively and effectively for the instrument with interesting textures and sonorities."
Stephen Kenyon (Classical Guitar Magazine)
...First to appear in concert was the outstanding Liverpool Guitarist/Composer Mark Houghton ...
Paul Fowles (Classical Guitar Magazine)
Mark Houghton's list of compositions is getting more and more impressive as years go by ...
Chris Dumigan (Classical Guitar Magazine)
Mark Houghton is gaining a reputation as a guitarist / composer of considerable might ...
Derek Hasted (Classical Guitar Magazine)